Datum: 09.03.2014
Vložil: napps206@yahoo.com
Titulek: Re: Re: ? covered up
Good job...
Mining...many craters on the moon appear to be similar is size. I believe they are sample (prospecting) holes. I do think mining has been done and possibly continues. Something is going on without any doubts. If that was not true, why all the smudged, blotted, air brushed disturbances on most photos and all videos of the moon, for almo fifty years. I believe there are huge tunnels for equipment and possibly life forms. What is being hidden? What secrets have been uncovered? Did organisations from earth put things up there? Vegetation, trees, machinery, water, alien life forms, strange animals, crafts that travel using anti-gravity knowledge, military, structures for housing and work, etc. etc. What is HIDDEN? WHY? We can only speculate. All photos and videos of the moon and mars are now questionable. Whistleblowers? Do you believe them? I dont! We cant be 100% certain those photos and videos of the moon and (mars) are real. No color photos and videos of the moon or mars...why not? Maybe 1 out of every 10,000 people know about this (cover-up), or even care. Would the things covered up be in direct conflict with the bible and all major religions. The fountain of youth? Medical miracles? Einstein's theory busted wide open? A cure for the common cold? man o man. This puts EVERYTHING we are told about anything in question. Now we know why this country owes 17,000,000,000 (trillion) dollars in dept. Good job putting this all together. Keep up the good work.
Bobby Lee Tommy.